Start a Business
How to Start a Window Cleaning Business
Opening a window cleaning business is an excellent entrepreneurial opportunity as long as you separate yourself from the competition. Here is a friendly, comprehensive guide on successfully operating a small business.
Wondering how to start a window cleaning business? We take you step-by-step from start to success.

Business Plans for a Window Cleaning Business
A common mistake for a small business owner is to not create a business plan.
A good business plan establishes both a framework and a roadmap for your business. If you don't have a business plan, your leadership will be handicapped, choosing short-term opportunities at the expense of long-term benefits.
Start by defining your business mission. The process of writing a mission statement doesn't have to be complicated. From there, you can begin to build on it with goals, budget estimates, marketing plans and other elements that are typically found in startup business plans.
Look Over Competitors
Well in advance of opening a window cleaning business within your community, it's essential to determine what the competition looks like. Use the link below to find competitors near you. Simply enter your city, state and zip code to get a list of window cleaning businesses in your town.
Prior to opening your doors for business, be sure you fully understand the competitive landscape and where your new business will fit in.
Turning Competitors Into Collaborators
After you've evaluated your local competitors, the next step is to learn as much as you can from somebody who is already in the business. It's very unlikely that the local competition will talk to you. It'd be crazy for them to teach you the business.
But, a person who owns a window cleaning business in a location that is not competitive to you may be more than happy to give you a few tips, after they realize you reside far away from them and won't be stealing their local customers. Many business owners are happy to give advice to new entrepreneurs It can take a while to find an entrepreneur who is willing to talk, but it's well worth the effort.
How does one quickly and easily locate an entrepreneur who is running a window cleaning business who is willing to talk to you but doesn't live nearby?
We can help. Follow the link below, try a few city/state combos or zipcodes, and then start calling!
Advantages of a Window Cleaning Business Purchase
On a percentage basis, more entrepreneurs intend to enter window cleaning business ownership through a startup than through a business purchase. Yet window cleaning business startups aren't easy - many fail within the first year.
So it makes sense that the idea of buying vs. starting a business should be carefully evaluated before you commit to an ownership strategy. By buying a profitable window cleaning business, you'll shorten the amount of time it takes to achieve a return on your investment because you'll have the advantage of a proven operation and an existing customer base.
Consider Buying a Franchise
Franchises reduce the amount of time it takes to launch a business because they leverage the expertise of successful window cleaning businesses and enhance the visibility of your startup in the local market. When it comes to supply chains, marketing, hiring processes, operational procedures and other areas, it's hard to beat a small business franchise.
Even though franchising isn't right for every entrepreneur, many startup owners find that a franchise offers the resources and behind-the-scenes support they need to launch their business on solid footing. Our cleaning and maintenance franchise directory contains the information you need to evaluate window cleaning business franchises. Just click on the link for more details.
More Advice for Startups
These additional resources regarding starting a business may be of interest to you.
Questions to Ask Before Starting a Business
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