Newspaper Advertising
4 Tricks to Save Money on Newspaper Ads
Written by Ashwin Satyanarayana for Gaebler Ventures
Advertising on newspapers has been losing its charm steadily. It just doesn't seem to be getting the returns possible earlier. However, newspaper advertising still makes a lot of sense for some businesses. Here's how they could implement newspaper campaigns effectively:
While it is probably one of the first avenues for consideration when it comes to conventional advertising, newspapers aren't always the best way to market your products and services after all. The last time I checked, newspapers -- at least the printed hardcopy part of the industry -- is going to be history.

Internet rules presently (but that makes for another topic, altogether). However, for most businesses it makes sense to invest in newspaper advertisements. So, here are ways and tricks to save money on newspaper advertisements:
Negotiate like a fishwife, Set a budget and stick to it
I once knew a business person who used to be a believer in newspaper advertisements. He was so experienced in his campaigning that he knew exactly how many people would call or email based on the ad that he just floated out. However, he always went past his budget and ended up in a negative cash flow. Lesson learnt? Negotiate like a fish wife to get the best, long-term rates for media space and always set a budget for campaigns. Stick to this budget each month, no matter how tempting it might be to you.
Big ad or small ad? Colour or black and white? - It doesn't matter; just make an impact
There are many entrepreneurs who muse about how their advertisement should like. Should the advertisement be big or small? How about a full page front side or half page in the middle? The ad size, color, position within the newspaper - decisions about all of these elements can consume or even drain any small business owner. However, these things are hogwash. The only thing that matters is whether an advertisement works or not. One way to determine what works is to test all possible ways and the other way is to go out of the box and try to make an impact.
Co-op with other businesses
I learnt this trick from an online network marketing company who ran a similar program. One really nifty trick to pull is to go to your neighboring small business owner - who sells a non-competing but somewhat relevant to the product you sell. For instance, if you sold mobile phones you could go to the business that sells mobile charge cards or accessories only and then make a deal - you could both share the expenses and advertise together within the same ad space. Not only are you saving money, but also making powerful joint ventures.
Choose your newspaper with care.
Just because a newspaper is circulated to a million households, don't think that it would be right newspaper for your business. Depending on the kind of business you are in; the kind of products and services you sell; or your target market's preferences, you will need to determine which newspaper would be the best fit for your business. Choosing the right paper to advertise would separate the men from the boys.
Ash has an undergraduate degree in engineering and an MBA from Ohio University. Today he is a corporate trainer, business coach and a freelance writer.
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