Local Marketing
4 Superb Ideas For Flyers
Written by Ashwin Satyanarayana for Gaebler Ventures
Flyers are usually discarded even without a second glance. Do you think businesses can get anything out of their advertising campaigns using flyers at all? Here are four superb ideas you can use for your Flyers:
Businesses usually have a default list of things to create as marketing collateral -- brochures, flyers, business cards, letter heads, logo, etc.

The "me too" mentality is so rampant that even the way they approach their marketing collateral design is a pathetically common, "copy-paste" kind of activity that entrepreneurs think they should do it since everyone seems to be doing it. If you thought of making flyers, don't do the mistake of going at it the usual way. Here are some extra ordinary ideas you could use for your flyers:
Don't give them away, let people notice or discover them
Here's the big mistake entrepreneurs do: they spend money, get their flyers designed only to be given away where there is no guarantee that these flyers will be read. Why does it happen? I don't like someone to intrude me only to shove a flyer on my face or my palms. I would rather like it if it were just there, lying on the table, in the Starbucks Coffee Shop I was relaxing at. You get the drift, don't you? Stop shoving flyers on others' faces; let your potential buyers discover your bright, clever flyers while waiting, standing or sitting somewhere.
Where is the copy?
Most flyers are drab, boring and not worth a second look or read. If your flyers read as "We are.....blah...blah...", "Come and do business with the world's best.....blah...blah..." , "Fortune 500 company now started a new brand of shoes .......blah....blah...". Stop reading this and go burn those flyers. Stop talking about yourself or your business and massage consumer ego. Talk to your consumers, ask questions, trigger emotions, and finally make them buy. You need good copy for that.
Can flyers be designed as something else?
Why always have pieces of paper with nothing but self-serving content on it? Could you think of clever ways to turn your flyers into something more important? A glossy paper with a "thought for the day", "a prayer" perhaps? Maybe you could slap another paper on it and make it a pouch? How about creating envelopes with your message on the front and back sides still intact? Can your flyer have inspirational writings on them? How about quirky or crazy one-liners? Think about it; boring rarely sells.
Make people save your flyers and not just "read and throw"
If the purpose of the flyer was just to communicate "Hi. I am the guy who gave you this. I am a nut who didn't know what else to say", obviously the piece of paper is going to land gracefully in the trash can. However, if you included an offer like "Retain this flyer. Come and check our services out. Get a whopping 25% off just because you cared to keep this piece of paper", you could have made an impression and your flyer could be retained. Make your flyers like direct mail pieces - so good that your recipients would just want to keep these flyers somewhere.
Ash has an undergraduate degree in engineering and an MBA from Ohio University. Today he is a corporate trainer, business coach and a freelance writer.
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