Coming Up With Business Ideas
Working With Your Spouse
Written by Charles Mburugu for Gaebler Ventures
Have you ever worked together with your spouse on a big project? For most people, working with their spouses can be a hair-raising experience. If things are not going as well as you would like, there are a few tips that you can apply and hopefully change your circumstances.
Whether it is a product-oriented home business or an internet home business, there is an incredible earning potential when you work together with your spouse.

This article outlines several success principles that entrepreneurial spouses can apply together towards the success of their business.
Lose your ego
To get the best product or service possible, you must be willing to listen to suggestions and advice from your spouse in the same way you would from a colleague in the office. Do not allow your personal issues to affect the profitability of the business. Business must be put ahead of ego at all costs. You may have to admit the fact that your partner is better than you in some areas, and take full advantage of the fact.
Handle all distractions equally
A true entrepreneur knows that good and bad distractions are equal - they distract you from success. As a couple, think twice before taking the day off, mowing the grass or going to the beach.
Clearly define roles
Your productivity and efficiency will be boosted if you define your specific roles within the office. Who is the ship's captain? Who deals with the public? Who does the filing? Who keeps financial records?
Allocate times to deal with work topics and family
Allocate specific times for problem solving or discussion in the different spheres of your life. For example, don't talk about clients when making supper with kids screaming all over. Make sure that everybody at home understands and knows when you are at work and when it is time to be Dad/Mom or Wife/Husband.
Divide and Conquer
When there is a crisis or emergency, put your heads together and decide who's best suited to do what. Take the "I'll tackle this and you tackle that" approach. Then trust your partner to handle it properly. Don't keep looking over each other's shoulders.
Respect each other's working area
It can be frustrating to be in the middle of a call, only to have your spouse barge into your space, or try to ask you for something. Stress levels can be significantly reduced when you respect each other's working area.
Utilize each other's talents
Identify the skill sets each person has which can benefit the business such as marketing, phone calls, technical, and record keeping. Once areas of proficiency are identified, allow the person assigned to be fully in charge of that area.
See things as they are
Realize that as a couple, you have a great opportunity to have a profitable home business and spend extra time with your family at the same time. Maximize on both sets of talent to succeed as a business.
Have your office in a 'separate space'
Move it out of the central part of the home. Choose a comfortable room where there will be minimal family distractions.
Charles Mburugu writes for us from his home in Nairobi. He has a graduate degree in Business Management from Kenya Institute of Management. He is interested in writing about branding, CSR and intellectual property.
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