Tech Company M&A Transactions

Snocap Acquisition

Headquartered in San Francisco, Snocap was acquired by imeem. No transaction price was announced.

Transaction Overview

Company Name
Acquired By
Announced On
Transaction Type
M&A Terms
Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

Company Information

Company Status
Acquired or Merged
Mailing Address
201 Third Street 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
Email Address
SNOCAP, Inc. is the first end-to-end provider of digital licensing and copyright management services for the digital music marketplace
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Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Rusty Rueff
  Rusty Rueff LinkedIn Profile  Rusty Rueff Twitter Account  Rusty Rueff News  Rusty Rueff on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Peter Maloney
  Peter Maloney LinkedIn Profile  Peter Maloney Twitter Account  Peter Maloney News  Peter Maloney on Facebook
Chief Operating Officer
Ali Aydar
  Ali Aydar LinkedIn Profile  Ali Aydar Twitter Account  Ali Aydar News  Ali Aydar on Facebook
Chief Technical Officer
Dave Rowley
  Dave Rowley LinkedIn Profile  Dave Rowley Twitter Account  Dave Rowley News  Dave Rowley on Facebook
Vice President
Chris Campbell
  Chris Campbell LinkedIn Profile  Chris Campbell Twitter Account  Chris Campbell News  Chris Campbell on Facebook
Vice President
Yvonne Sommerfeld
  Yvonne Sommerfeld LinkedIn Profile  Yvonne Sommerfeld Twitter Account  Yvonne Sommerfeld News  Yvonne Sommerfeld on Facebook
VP - Bus. Development
Alex Rofman
  Alex Rofman LinkedIn Profile  Alex Rofman Twitter Account  Alex Rofman News  Alex Rofman on Facebook
VP - General Counsel
Richard Mosher
  Richard Mosher LinkedIn Profile  Richard Mosher Twitter Account  Richard Mosher News  Richard Mosher on Facebook
VP - Marketing
Bruce Taylor
  Bruce Taylor LinkedIn Profile  Bruce Taylor Twitter Account  Bruce Taylor News  Bruce Taylor on Facebook
VP - Product Management
Karin Visnick
  Karin Visnick LinkedIn Profile  Karin Visnick Twitter Account  Karin Visnick News  Karin Visnick on Facebook



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Prev: 4/7/2008: Imperium Renewables venture capital transaction
Next: 4/7/2008: Covestor venture capital transaction


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