Tech Company Financing Transactions

Force10 Networks Funding Round

Force10 Networks, based in San Jose, secured $30 million from Advance Capital Partners, Crosslink Capital and DCM Ventures.

Transaction Overview

Company Name
Announced On
Transaction Type
Venture Equity
Proceeds Purpose
Proceeds purposes were not disclosed.

Company Information

Company Status
Acquired or Merged
Mailing Address
350 Holger Way
San Jose, CA 95134
Force10 Networks is the pioneer in resilient Gigabit and 10 Gigabit Ethernet switching and routing. Force10 revolutionized networking with the E-Series switch/router the first product to deliver true line rate 10 Gigabit Ethernet switching and routing.
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Company News
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Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Henry Wasik
  Henry Wasik LinkedIn Profile  Henry Wasik Twitter Account  Henry Wasik News  Henry Wasik on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Bill Zerella
  Bill Zerella LinkedIn Profile  Bill Zerella Twitter Account  Bill Zerella News  Bill Zerella on Facebook
Chief Marketing Officer
Arpit Joshipura
  Arpit Joshipura LinkedIn Profile  Arpit Joshipura Twitter Account  Arpit Joshipura News  Arpit Joshipura on Facebook
Chief Operating Officer
Ebrahim Abbasi
  Ebrahim Abbasi LinkedIn Profile  Ebrahim Abbasi Twitter Account  Ebrahim Abbasi News  Ebrahim Abbasi on Facebook
Chief Technical Officer
Bruce Miller
  Bruce Miller LinkedIn Profile  Bruce Miller Twitter Account  Bruce Miller News  Bruce Miller on Facebook
VP - General Counsel
Leah Maher
  Leah Maher LinkedIn Profile  Leah Maher Twitter Account  Leah Maher News  Leah Maher on Facebook
VP - Human Resources
Mary Cole
  Mary Cole LinkedIn Profile  Mary Cole Twitter Account  Mary Cole News  Mary Cole on Facebook



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Next: 6/30/2009: WaveSplitter Technologies venture capital transaction


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Our team works diligently to document tech company VC transactions. VC investment data records reported here are derived from news reports and company announcements. The data is sourced from, an affiliated venture.


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