Tech Company M&A Transactions

Network Physics Acquisition

Operating out of Mountain View, Network Physics was bought by Opnet Technologies. Deal value was $10 million.

Transaction Overview

Company Name
Announced On
Transaction Type
M&A Terms
The acquisition was paid for with all cash.

Company Information

Company Status
Acquired or Merged
Mailing Address
491 Fairchild Drive
Mountain View, CA 94043
Network Physics products are currently deployed worldwide at hundreds of mid-size and Global 2000 organizations, including world leaders in the financial, health care, manufacturing, media, retail sectors, and more.
Network Physics LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
Network Physics Company Twitter Account
Company News
Network Physics News
Network Physics on Facebook
Network Physics on YouTube

Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Kenny Frerichs
  Kenny Frerichs LinkedIn Profile  Kenny Frerichs Twitter Account  Kenny Frerichs News  Kenny Frerichs on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Fred Runco
  Fred  Runco LinkedIn Profile  Fred  Runco Twitter Account  Fred  Runco News  Fred  Runco on Facebook
VP - Bus. Development
Steve Schulz
  Steve  Schulz LinkedIn Profile  Steve  Schulz Twitter Account  Steve  Schulz News  Steve  Schulz on Facebook
VP - Engineering
Han Wen
  Han  Wen LinkedIn Profile  Han  Wen Twitter Account  Han  Wen News  Han  Wen on Facebook
VP - Engineering
George Zioulas
  George  Zioulas LinkedIn Profile  George  Zioulas Twitter Account  George  Zioulas News  George  Zioulas on Facebook
VP - Marketing
Scott Safe
  Scott  Safe LinkedIn Profile  Scott  Safe Twitter Account  Scott  Safe News  Scott  Safe on Facebook
VP - Sales
Elizabeth McKenna
  Elizabeth  McKenna LinkedIn Profile  Elizabeth  McKenna Twitter Account  Elizabeth  McKenna News  Elizabeth  McKenna on Facebook



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Prev: 10/22/2007: Planar Energy Devices venture capital transaction
Next: 10/22/2007: Aldis venture capital transaction


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