Tech Company M&A Transactions

Media Temple Acquisition

Headquartered in Los Angeles, Media Temple was acquired by GoDaddy. The exit price for Media Temple was not provided.

Transaction Overview

Company Name
Acquired By
Announced On
Transaction Type
M&A Terms
Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed by the parties.

Company Information

Company Status
Acquired or Merged
Internet & IoT
Mailing Address
6060 Center Dr. 5th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Email Address
Media Temple, Inc. is an industry-leading, privately held, profitable web hosting and software application services company based in California. Since 1998, our company has provided businesses worldwide with reliable, professional-class network environments to host websites, email, business applications, and other rich media content.
Media Temple LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
Media Temple Company Twitter Account
Company News
Media Temple News
Media Temple on Facebook
Media Temple on YouTube

Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Financial Officer
Jason Heath
  Jason Heath LinkedIn Profile  Jason Heath Twitter Account  Jason Heath News  Jason Heath on Facebook
Rod Stoddard
  Rod Stoddard LinkedIn Profile  Rod Stoddard Twitter Account  Rod Stoddard News  Rod Stoddard on Facebook
VP - Customer Service
TJ Stein
  TJ Stein LinkedIn Profile  TJ Stein Twitter Account  TJ Stein News  TJ Stein on Facebook
VP - Engineering
Amit Nayar
  Amit Nayar LinkedIn Profile  Amit Nayar Twitter Account  Amit Nayar News  Amit Nayar on Facebook
VP - Sales
Colin Dowling
  Colin Dowling LinkedIn Profile  Colin Dowling Twitter Account  Colin Dowling News  Colin Dowling on Facebook



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Next: 10/15/2013: Networked Insights venture capital transaction


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