Tech Company Financing Transactions

NovAliX Funding Round

NovAliX, based in Strasbourg, secured investment capital from Bruker.

Transaction Overview

Company Name
Announced On
Transaction Type
Venture Equity
Proceeds Purpose
The company intends to use the funds to accelerate the growth and further expansion, particularly within Europe and the United States.

Company Information

Company Status
Private & Independent
Mailing Address
16, rue d'Ankara
Strasbourg, 67000
Email Address
NovAliX is a drug discovery-focused CRO. Research and development programs around the world are gaining competitive advantage from our award-winning chemistry teams and one of the world's most comprehensive biophysics platforms.
NovAliX LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
NovAliX Company Twitter Account
Company News
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NovAliX on YouTube

Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Denis Zeyer
  Denis Zeyer LinkedIn Profile  Denis Zeyer Twitter Account  Denis Zeyer News  Denis Zeyer on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Christophe Dubost
  Christophe Dubost LinkedIn Profile  Christophe Dubost Twitter Account  Christophe Dubost News  Christophe Dubost on Facebook
Chief Operating Officer
Pierre Deprez
  Pierre Deprez LinkedIn Profile  Pierre Deprez Twitter Account  Pierre Deprez News  Pierre Deprez on Facebook
Stephan Jenn
  Stephan Jenn LinkedIn Profile  Stephan Jenn Twitter Account  Stephan Jenn News  Stephan Jenn on Facebook
Vice President
Jérôme Guillemont
  Jérôme Guillemont LinkedIn Profile  Jérôme Guillemont Twitter Account  Jérôme Guillemont News  Jérôme Guillemont on Facebook
Vice President
Laurent Saniere
  Laurent Saniere LinkedIn Profile  Laurent Saniere Twitter Account  Laurent Saniere News  Laurent Saniere on Facebook
VP - Bus. Development
Marco Pintore
  Marco Pintore LinkedIn Profile  Marco Pintore Twitter Account  Marco Pintore News  Marco Pintore on Facebook
VP - Finance
Carine Petiteville
  Carine Petiteville LinkedIn Profile  Carine Petiteville Twitter Account  Carine Petiteville News  Carine Petiteville on Facebook
VP - Human Resources
Florence Donadini
  Florence Donadini LinkedIn Profile  Florence Donadini Twitter Account  Florence Donadini News  Florence Donadini on Facebook
VP - R & D
Xavier Espanel
  Xavier Espanel LinkedIn Profile  Xavier Espanel Twitter Account  Xavier Espanel News  Xavier Espanel on Facebook
VP - R & D
Julien Marin
  Julien Marin LinkedIn Profile  Julien Marin Twitter Account  Julien Marin News  Julien Marin on Facebook



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