Tech Company Inital Public Offerings

Ikena Oncology IPO

Ikena Oncology was bought by . Ikena Oncology shares started trading on 3/26/2021.

Transaction Overview

Company Name
Announced On
Transaction Type
Proceeds Purpose
Use of proceeds for the Ikena Oncology IPO are outlined in the company's S1 filing.

Company Information

Company Status
Mailing Address
50 Northern Ave. 7th Floor
Boston, MA 02210
Ikena envisions a world where every cancer patient has a cure. Ikena, headquartered in the biotech hub of Boston, Massachusetts, is dedicated to bringing next generation targeted oncology and immunometabolism therapies to patients suffering from cancer.
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Social Media
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Company News
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Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Mark Manfredi
  Mark Manfredi LinkedIn Profile  Mark Manfredi Twitter Account  Mark Manfredi News  Mark Manfredi on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Douglas Carlson
  Douglas Carlson LinkedIn Profile  Douglas Carlson Twitter Account  Douglas Carlson News  Douglas Carlson on Facebook
Chief Medical Officer
Sergio Santillana
  Sergio Santillana LinkedIn Profile  Sergio Santillana Twitter Account  Sergio Santillana News  Sergio Santillana on Facebook
Chief Scientific Officer
Jeffrey Ecsedy
  Jeffrey Ecsedy LinkedIn Profile  Jeffrey Ecsedy Twitter Account  Jeffrey Ecsedy News  Jeffrey Ecsedy on Facebook
Vice President
Alfredo Castro
  Alfredo Castro LinkedIn Profile  Alfredo Castro Twitter Account  Alfredo Castro News  Alfredo Castro on Facebook
Vice President
Alexander Constan
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Vice President
Karen McGovern
  Karen McGovern LinkedIn Profile  Karen McGovern Twitter Account  Karen McGovern News  Karen McGovern on Facebook
VP - Bus. Development
Maude Tessier
  Maude Tessier LinkedIn Profile  Maude Tessier Twitter Account  Maude Tessier News  Maude Tessier on Facebook
VP - Manufacturing
James Nolan
  James Nolan LinkedIn Profile  James Nolan Twitter Account  James Nolan News  James Nolan on Facebook
VP - R & D
Michelle Zhang
  Michelle Zhang LinkedIn Profile  Michelle Zhang Twitter Account  Michelle Zhang News  Michelle Zhang on Facebook



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