Tech Company Financing Transactions

PowerPollen Funding Round

PowerPollen, based in Ankeny, secured $13 million from Ag Ventures Alliance and Iowa Corn Growers Association.

Transaction Overview

Company Name
Announced On
Transaction Type
Venture Equity
Series B
Proceeds Purpose
The Ankeny-based company will use the funding to accelerate global adoption of its pollination on-demand technology in corn seed production and expand innovation to corn grain, wheat, and rice.

Company Information

Company Status
Private & Independent
Mailing Address
2302 SE Creekview 6
Ankeny, IA 50021
PowerPollen (a company of Accelerated Ag Technologies) is an advanced yield enhancement technology that enables higher productivity in seed and grain production. The technology is designed to improve crop yield and genetic purity, cut down on resources, and reduce seed production costs by 20%.
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Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Todd Krone
  Todd Krone LinkedIn Profile  Todd Krone Twitter Account  Todd Krone News  Todd Krone on Facebook
Chief Scientific Officer
Mark Westgate
  Mark Westgate LinkedIn Profile  Mark Westgate Twitter Account  Mark Westgate News  Mark Westgate on Facebook
VP - Operations
Michael Lauer
  Michael Lauer LinkedIn Profile  Michael Lauer Twitter Account  Michael Lauer News  Michael Lauer on Facebook
VP - Regulatory Affairs
Federico Valverde
  Federico Valverde LinkedIn Profile  Federico Valverde Twitter Account  Federico Valverde News  Federico Valverde on Facebook



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