Tech Company M&A Transactions

Piston Cloud Computing Acquisition

Headquartered in San Francisco, Piston Cloud Computing was acquired by Cisco. The companies did not announce specifics regarding acquisition price or deal terms.

Transaction Overview

Acquired By
Announced On
Transaction Type
M&A Terms
Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed by the companies.

Company Information

Company Status
Acquired or Merged
Mailing Address
49 Geary St. 530
San Francisco, CA 94108
Piston is focused on delivering on- and off-premise products and solutions that make Cloud Computing usable for the Enterprise. The team is composed of the major architects from the OpenStack project, recently spun out of NASA and quickly becoming the lead open source IaaS platform.
Piston Cloud Computing LinkedIn Company Profile
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Company News
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Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Jim Morrisroe
  Jim Morrisroe LinkedIn Profile  Jim Morrisroe Twitter Account  Jim Morrisroe News  Jim Morrisroe on Facebook
Chief Marketing Officer
Gretchen Curtis
  Gretchen Curtis LinkedIn Profile  Gretchen Curtis Twitter Account  Gretchen Curtis News  Gretchen Curtis on Facebook
Chief Scientific Officer
Christopher MacGown
  Christopher MacGown LinkedIn Profile  Christopher MacGown Twitter Account  Christopher MacGown News  Christopher MacGown on Facebook
Chief Technical Officer
Joshua McKenty
  Joshua McKenty LinkedIn Profile  Joshua McKenty Twitter Account  Joshua McKenty News  Joshua McKenty on Facebook
VP - Bus. Development
John Spencer
  John Spencer LinkedIn Profile  John Spencer Twitter Account  John Spencer News  John Spencer on Facebook



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