Tech Company Financing Transactions

PreciseDx Funding Round

PreciseDx, based in New York, scored $20.7 million from Eventide Asset Management, GenHenn Venture and LabCorp.

Transaction Overview

Company Name
Announced On
Transaction Type
Venture Equity
Series B
Proceeds Purpose
This capital infusion sets the stage for our next phase of continued in-depth clinical trials to validate PreciseBreast� in a specific clinical setting and market entry point.

Company Information

Company Status
Private & Independent
Artificial Intelligence
Mailing Address
1111 Amsterdam Stuyvesant Building 8-822
New York, NY 10025
Email Address
Our mission is to democratize access to high-quality medical care and information, regardless of the institution or its geographical location. PreciseDx augments current oncology diagnostics and provides an objective review of each patient's risk, eliminating any subjectivity in the review of patient results.
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Company News
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Management Team

Email & Social
Carlos Cordon-Cardo
  Carlos Cordon-Cardo LinkedIn Profile  Carlos Cordon-Cardo Twitter Account  Carlos Cordon-Cardo News  Carlos Cordon-Cardo on Facebook
Chief Executive Officer
Wayne Brinster
  Wayne Brinster LinkedIn Profile  Wayne Brinster Twitter Account  Wayne Brinster News  Wayne Brinster on Facebook
Chief Medical Officer
Michael Donovan
  Michael Donovan LinkedIn Profile  Michael Donovan Twitter Account  Michael Donovan News  Michael Donovan on Facebook
Chief Scientific Officer
Gerardo Fernandez
  Gerardo Fernandez LinkedIn Profile  Gerardo Fernandez Twitter Account  Gerardo Fernandez News  Gerardo Fernandez on Facebook
Chief Technical Officer
Jack Zeineh
  Jack Zeineh LinkedIn Profile  Jack Zeineh Twitter Account  Jack Zeineh News  Jack Zeineh on Facebook
VP - Finance
Andrew Borsanyi
  Andrew Borsanyi LinkedIn Profile  Andrew Borsanyi Twitter Account  Andrew Borsanyi News  Andrew Borsanyi on Facebook



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