Tech Company Financing Transactions

Candid Therapeutics Funding Round

On 9/9/2024, Candid Therapeutics raised $370 million in financing from Fairmount Funds Management, TCGX and venBio Partners.

Transaction Overview

Company Information

Company Status
Private & Independent
Life Sciences
Mailing Address
11622 El Camino Real 150
San Diego, CA 92130
Email Address
We are driven by a singular mission: Apply known biology to create novel, easy to administer therapies that materially benefit patients with autoimmune diseases. Our team is led by industry experts with a track record of stakeholder value creation.
Candid Therapeutics LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
Candid Therapeutics Company Twitter Account
Company News
Candid Therapeutics News
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Candid Therapeutics on YouTube

Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Ken Song
  Ken Song LinkedIn Profile  Ken Song Twitter Account  Ken Song News  Ken Song on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Arvind Kush
  Arvind Kush LinkedIn Profile  Arvind Kush Twitter Account  Arvind Kush News  Arvind Kush on Facebook
Chief Medical Officer
Tim Lu
  Tim Lu LinkedIn Profile  Tim Lu Twitter Account  Tim Lu News  Tim Lu on Facebook
Chief Technical Officer
Bernie Huyghe
  Bernie Huyghe LinkedIn Profile  Bernie Huyghe Twitter Account  Bernie Huyghe News  Bernie Huyghe on Facebook
Vice President
Kathryn Shah
  Kathryn Shah LinkedIn Profile  Kathryn Shah Twitter Account  Kathryn Shah News  Kathryn Shah on Facebook
VP - General Counsel
Jeff Woodley
  Jeff Woodley LinkedIn Profile  Jeff Woodley Twitter Account  Jeff Woodley News  Jeff Woodley on Facebook
VP - Operations
David Luo
  David Luo LinkedIn Profile  David Luo Twitter Account  David Luo News  David Luo on Facebook
VP - Regulatory Affairs
Rozalyn Littler
  Rozalyn Littler LinkedIn Profile  Rozalyn Littler Twitter Account  Rozalyn Littler News  Rozalyn Littler on Facebook



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