Tech Company M&A Transactions

IncentOne Acquisition

IncentOne, operating out of Lyndhurst, was bought by WellTok. What WellTok paid for IncentOne was not provided.

Transaction Overview

Company Name
Acquired By
Announced On
Transaction Type
M&A Terms
Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed by the parties.

Company Information

Company Status
Acquired or Merged
Mailing Address
160 Chubb Ave. 202
Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
Email Address
IncentOne, delivering a healthy bottom line. IncentOne offers an innovative incentive solution foster health improvement and reduce healthcare costs.
IncentOne LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
IncentOne Company Twitter Account
Company News
IncentOne News
IncentOne on Facebook
IncentOne on YouTube

Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Jeff Margolis
  Jeff Margolis LinkedIn Profile  Jeff Margolis Twitter Account  Jeff Margolis News  Jeff Margolis on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Linda Fenton
  Linda Fenton LinkedIn Profile  Linda Fenton Twitter Account  Linda Fenton News  Linda Fenton on Facebook
Chief Marketing Officer
Michelle Snyder
  Michelle Snyder LinkedIn Profile  Michelle Snyder Twitter Account  Michelle Snyder News  Michelle Snyder on Facebook
Chief Operating Officer
Brian Ancell
  Brian Ancell LinkedIn Profile  Brian Ancell Twitter Account  Brian Ancell News  Brian Ancell on Facebook
VP - Administration
James Sullivan
  James Sullivan LinkedIn Profile  James Sullivan Twitter Account  James Sullivan News  James Sullivan on Facebook
VP - Bus. Development
Maneesh Goyal
  Maneesh Goyal LinkedIn Profile  Maneesh Goyal Twitter Account  Maneesh Goyal News  Maneesh Goyal on Facebook
VP - Sales
Matt Halle
  Matt Halle LinkedIn Profile  Matt Halle Twitter Account  Matt Halle News  Matt Halle on Facebook



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Prev: 10/28/2013: Cyphort venture capital transaction
Next: 10/28/2013: WellTok venture capital transaction


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