Tech Company Inital Public Offerings

Infoblox IPO

On 4/20/2012, Infoblox became a public company.

Transaction Overview

Company Name
Announced On
Transaction Type
Proceeds Purpose
Proceeds purposes are on file with company statements at the SEC.

Company Information

Company Status
Acquired or Merged
Mailing Address
3111 Coronado Drive
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Email Address
Over 8,000 enterprise & network customers have chosen Infoblox. Follow us for the cutting edge on controlling your network.
Infoblox LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
Infoblox Company Twitter Account
Company News
Infoblox News
Infoblox on Facebook
Infoblox on YouTube

Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Jesper Andersen
  Jesper Andersen LinkedIn Profile  Jesper Andersen Twitter Account  Jesper Andersen News  Jesper Andersen on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Remo Canessa
  Remo Canessa LinkedIn Profile  Remo Canessa Twitter Account  Remo Canessa News  Remo Canessa on Facebook
Chief Technical Officer
Stuart Bailey
  Stuart Bailey LinkedIn Profile  Stuart Bailey Twitter Account  Stuart Bailey News  Stuart Bailey on Facebook
VP - Engineering
Sohail Parekh
  Sohail Parekh LinkedIn Profile  Sohail Parekh Twitter Account  Sohail Parekh News  Sohail Parekh on Facebook
VP - General Counsel
Stephen Yu
  Stephen Yu LinkedIn Profile  Stephen Yu Twitter Account  Stephen Yu News  Stephen Yu on Facebook
VP - Human Resources
Rebecca Guerra
  Rebecca Guerra LinkedIn Profile  Rebecca Guerra Twitter Account  Rebecca Guerra News  Rebecca Guerra on Facebook
VP - Marketing
David Gee
  David Gee LinkedIn Profile  David Gee Twitter Account  David Gee News  David Gee on Facebook



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Prev: 4/20/2012: Cirro venture capital transaction
Next: 4/20/2012: Centri Technology venture capital transaction


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