Tech Company Financing Transactions

Arzeda Funding Round

Fall Line Capital, Sofinnova Partners and Sucden Ventures participated in a $38 million funding round for Arzeda. The funding round was announced on 9/18/2024.

Transaction Overview

Company Name
Announced On
Transaction Type
Venture Equity
Proceeds Purpose
The company intends to use the funds to expand the production capacity of its ProSweet Enzymes� and ProSweet RebM� to meet market demand of better tasting stevia and accelerate the commercialization of additional breakthrough products in its pipeline.

Company Information

Company Status
Private & Independent
Mailing Address
3421 Thorndyke Ave. W
Seattle, WA 98119
Email Address
Enabling the next generation of synthetic biology : novel enzymes and synthetic metabolic pathways for the production of valuable chemicals.
Arzeda LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
Arzeda Company Twitter Account
Company News
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Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Alexandre Zanghellini
  Alexandre Zanghellini LinkedIn Profile  Alexandre Zanghellini Twitter Account  Alexandre Zanghellini News  Alexandre Zanghellini on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Sanjay Pal
  Sanjay Pal LinkedIn Profile  Sanjay Pal Twitter Account  Sanjay Pal News  Sanjay Pal on Facebook
Vice President
Yih-En Andrew Ban
  Yih-En Andrew Ban LinkedIn Profile  Yih-En Andrew Ban Twitter Account  Yih-En Andrew Ban News  Yih-En Andrew Ban on Facebook
VP - Bus. Development
Eric Althoff
  Eric Althoff LinkedIn Profile  Eric Althoff Twitter Account  Eric Althoff News  Eric Althoff on Facebook
VP - Bus. Development
Walter Rakitsky
  Walter Rakitsky LinkedIn Profile  Walter Rakitsky Twitter Account  Walter Rakitsky News  Walter Rakitsky on Facebook
VP - Engineering
Michael Cockrem
  Michael Cockrem LinkedIn Profile  Michael Cockrem Twitter Account  Michael Cockrem News  Michael Cockrem on Facebook
VP - Operations
Daniela Grabs
  Daniela Grabs LinkedIn Profile  Daniela Grabs Twitter Account  Daniela Grabs News  Daniela Grabs on Facebook



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Next: 9/18/2024: Settle venture capital transaction


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