Tech Company Financing Transactions

Powerit Holdings Funding Round

Siemens Venture Capital, @Ventures and ArcelorMittal participated in a $6 million capital raise for Powerit Holdings. The round was announced on 5/5/2009.

Transaction Overview

Company Name
Announced On
Transaction Type
Venture Equity
Proceeds Purpose
Powerit (pronounced "Power I.T.") says the funds will be used to speed up its growth into industrial markets, as well as solidify its position in energy management and expand product development and sales efforts.

Company Information

Company Status
Private & Independent
Energy & Battery
Mailing Address
307 3rd Ave. South 400
Seattle, WA 98104
Powerit Solutions provides comprehensive energy demand response and demand control solutions for industrial and commercial applications.
Powerit Holdings LinkedIn Company Profile
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Company News
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Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Kevin Klustner
  Kevin Klustner LinkedIn Profile  Kevin Klustner Twitter Account  Kevin Klustner News  Kevin Klustner on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Leon Suh
  Leon Suh LinkedIn Profile  Leon Suh Twitter Account  Leon Suh News  Leon Suh on Facebook
VP - Engineering
Mark Stromberg
  Mark Stromberg LinkedIn Profile  Mark Stromberg Twitter Account  Mark Stromberg News  Mark Stromberg on Facebook
VP - Marketing
Patty Solberg
  Patty Solberg LinkedIn Profile  Patty Solberg Twitter Account  Patty Solberg News  Patty Solberg on Facebook



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Prev: 5/5/2009: Gist venture capital transaction
Next: 5/5/2009: Moxie venture capital transaction


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