Tech Company M&A Transactions

Digital Lumens Acquisition

On 8/25/2017, Digital Lumens was bought by Osram. The parties did not disclose any financial terms for the deal.

Transaction Overview

Company Name
Acquired By
Announced On
Transaction Type
M&A Terms
Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed, but the report quoted 'a source familiar with the matter' as stating that the price to be paid was 'for a mid-double-digit million-dollar sum.'

Company Information

Company Status
Acquired or Merged
Mailing Address
374 Congress Street
Boston, MA 02210
Leader in Intelligent LED Lighting Systems for commercial & industrial lighting. Learn how customers are saving up to 90% energy across many applications.
Digital Lumens LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
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Company News
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Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Tom Pincince
  Tom Pincince LinkedIn Profile  Tom Pincince Twitter Account  Tom Pincince News  Tom Pincince on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Michael Rubino
  Michael Rubino LinkedIn Profile  Michael Rubino Twitter Account  Michael Rubino News  Michael Rubino on Facebook
Chief Technical Officer
Brian Chemel
  Brian Chemel LinkedIn Profile  Brian Chemel Twitter Account  Brian Chemel News  Brian Chemel on Facebook
VP - Engineering
Colin Piepgras
  Colin Piepgras LinkedIn Profile  Colin Piepgras Twitter Account  Colin Piepgras News  Colin Piepgras on Facebook
VP - Manufacturing
Ken MacLure
  Ken MacLure LinkedIn Profile  Ken MacLure Twitter Account  Ken MacLure News  Ken MacLure on Facebook



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Next: 8/25/2017: Descartes Labs venture capital transaction


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