Tech Company Financing Transactions

L2C Funding Round

On 12/31/2011, L2C received $2.6 million in funding from McGovern Capital and private investors.

Transaction Overview

Company Name
Announced On
Transaction Type
Venture Equity
Proceeds Purpose
Proceeds purposes were not disclosed.

Company Information

Company Status
Private & Independent
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 550089
Atlanta, GA 30355
Through L2C, Lenders and Service Providers can now access a variety of recent and relevant Alternative Data to help them understand their markets, and their own customers' current conditions. For example, knowing whether your customers are bouncing checks or are taking payday loans could alert you to imminent payment issues.
L2C LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
L2C Company Twitter Account
Company News
L2C News
L2C on Facebook
L2C on YouTube

Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Mike Mondelli
  Mike Mondelli LinkedIn Profile  Mike Mondelli Twitter Account  Mike Mondelli News  Mike Mondelli on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Chris Joe
  Chris Joe LinkedIn Profile  Chris Joe Twitter Account  Chris Joe News  Chris Joe on Facebook
Chief Information Officer
Jay Duff
  Jay Duff LinkedIn Profile  Jay Duff Twitter Account  Jay Duff News  Jay Duff on Facebook
Chief Technical Officer
Scott Morrison
  Scott Morrison LinkedIn Profile  Scott Morrison Twitter Account  Scott Morrison News  Scott Morrison on Facebook
VP - Client Services
Larry Stewart
  Larry Stewart LinkedIn Profile  Larry Stewart Twitter Account  Larry Stewart News  Larry Stewart on Facebook
VP - Sales
Joe Henry
  Joe Henry LinkedIn Profile  Joe Henry Twitter Account  Joe Henry News  Joe Henry on Facebook



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Prev: 12/31/2011: Afferent Pharmaceuticals venture capital transaction
Next: 12/31/2011: Enmetric Systems venture capital transaction


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