Tech Company Financing Transactions

Nereus Pharmaceuticals Funding Round

Nereus Pharmaceuticals, operating out of San Diego, secured $18.3 million from Advent International, Alta Partners and Forward Ventures.

Transaction Overview

Announced On
Transaction Type
Venture Equity
Proceeds Purpose
Proceeds purposes were not disclosed.

Company Information

Company Status
Private & Independent
Mailing Address
10480 Wateridge Cir.
San Diego, CA 92121
Nereus Pharmaceuticals is an innovative drug discovery and development company pursuing untapped sources of chemical diversity.
Nereus Pharmaceuticals LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
Nereus Pharmaceuticals Company Twitter Account
Company News
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Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Kobi Sethna
  Kobi Sethna LinkedIn Profile  Kobi Sethna Twitter Account  Kobi Sethna News  Kobi Sethna on Facebook
Chief Information Officer
Gary McDaniel
  Gary McDaniel LinkedIn Profile  Gary McDaniel Twitter Account  Gary McDaniel News  Gary McDaniel on Facebook
Chief Medical Officer
Matthew Spear
  Matthew Spear LinkedIn Profile  Matthew Spear Twitter Account  Matthew Spear News  Matthew Spear on Facebook
Chief Scientific Officer
Kenneth Lloyd
  Kenneth Lloyd LinkedIn Profile  Kenneth Lloyd Twitter Account  Kenneth Lloyd News  Kenneth Lloyd on Facebook
Chief Technical Officer
Michael Palladino
  Michael Palladino LinkedIn Profile  Michael Palladino Twitter Account  Michael Palladino News  Michael Palladino on Facebook
VP - Finance
Donald Salz
  Donald Salz LinkedIn Profile  Donald Salz Twitter Account  Donald Salz News  Donald Salz on Facebook
VP - Regulatory Affairs
Howard Holden
  Howard Holden LinkedIn Profile  Howard Holden Twitter Account  Howard Holden News  Howard Holden on Facebook



Browse more venture capital transactions:

Prev: 3/31/2006: RPO venture capital transaction
Next: 3/31/2006: Pranalytica venture capital transaction


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