Tech Company Inital Public Offerings

Vor Biopharma IPO

Headquartered in Cambridge, Vor Biopharma is now a public company.

Transaction Overview

Company Name
Announced On
Transaction Type
Proceeds Purpose
Use of proceeds for the Vor Biopharma IPO are outlined in the company's S1 filing.

Company Information

Company Status
Mailing Address
215 1st St. 430
Cambridge, MA 02142
Vor Biopharma is an immuno-oncology company developing novel therapies with broad potential for treating cancer. Vor is focused on developing technologies that can enable selective targeting of cancer cells without impacting normal cells.
Vor Biopharma LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
Vor Biopharma Company Twitter Account
Company News
Vor Biopharma News
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Vor Biopharma on YouTube

Management Team

Email & Social
Siddhartha Mukherjee
  Siddhartha Mukherjee LinkedIn Profile  Siddhartha Mukherjee Twitter Account  Siddhartha Mukherjee News  Siddhartha Mukherjee on Facebook
Chief Executive Officer
Robert Ang
  Robert Ang LinkedIn Profile  Robert Ang Twitter Account  Robert Ang News  Robert Ang on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Nathan Jorgensen
  Nathan Jorgensen LinkedIn Profile  Nathan Jorgensen Twitter Account  Nathan Jorgensen News  Nathan Jorgensen on Facebook
Chief Medical Officer
Christopher Slapak
  Christopher Slapak LinkedIn Profile  Christopher Slapak Twitter Account  Christopher Slapak News  Christopher Slapak on Facebook
Chief Technical Officer
Sadik Kassim
  Sadik Kassim LinkedIn Profile  Sadik Kassim Twitter Account  Sadik Kassim News  Sadik Kassim on Facebook
VP - General Counsel
Amy Mendel
  Amy Mendel LinkedIn Profile  Amy Mendel Twitter Account  Amy Mendel News  Amy Mendel on Facebook
VP - Human Resources
Tania Philipp
  Tania Philipp LinkedIn Profile  Tania Philipp Twitter Account  Tania Philipp News  Tania Philipp on Facebook
VP - R & D
Tirtha Chakraborty
  Tirtha Chakraborty LinkedIn Profile  Tirtha Chakraborty Twitter Account  Tirtha Chakraborty News  Tirtha Chakraborty on Facebook
VP - Regulatory Affairs
Robert Pietrusko
  Robert Pietrusko LinkedIn Profile  Robert Pietrusko Twitter Account  Robert Pietrusko News  Robert Pietrusko on Facebook



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