Tech Investors Database
Directory of Non-VC, Non-PE Tech Investors
This tech investors directory complements our other tech investor lists and offers non-VC and non-PE financing options.
Explore these tech investor categories to learn more about tech financing options and who is funding which tech company financing deals.

Tech Investors Database - Non-VC, Non-PE Investor Categories
- Directory of Family Offices, Trusts and Foundations Investing in Tech - Family money is flowing into tech financing deals in a big way. This directory of tech-investing family offices, trusts and foundations is updated regulary and includes deal details.
- Angel Investor Groups Directory - We track which angel investor groups invest in what tech companies. Click on an angel investing group below to see their portfolio companies.
- Directory of Tech Startup Accelerators - Tech accelerators now play a big part in the tech financing world. Here's our list of accelerators that are making equity investments in tech companies.
- Directory of Hedge Funds Investing in Tech - Hedge funds recognize that tech can deliver outsided financial returns. The hedge funds below have all invested in tech company funding rounds.
- Directory of Tech Company Lenders - Many tech company funding rounds now include a debt financing component. These are some of the lenders we've seen provide debt in deals recorded in our venture capital transactions database.
- Crowdfunding Portals Directory - Crowdfunding for tech companies is now a mainstream financing vehicle. These are some of the key players in tech company crowdfunding.
- Online Capital Directory - Looking for tech company funding online? Here's a list of online capital providers that will come in handy!
- Directory of Syndicators for Tech Company Investing - Syndicators package up tech company funding deals and get them across the finish line. These syndicators have all done at least one deal, and we've got all the details you need.
- Directory of Tech Investors - This is our list of tech investors that don't neatly fit into our other investor categories. If any of these investors belong in another investor category, please let us know.
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