Taking credit cards allows businesses to access revenues that might not otherwise be attainable. We cover the basics of accepting credit cards, credit card gateways, chargebacks, credit card fraud and more.
This article explains how to start accepting credit cards.
Credit card gateways let you process payments online. If you've been wondering how to take credit cards online on your website, let us get you up to speed on the fundamentals of online credit card processing.
Reducing credit card chargebacks should be a top priority for every retailer. We offer some helpful tips for avoiding credit card chargebacks.
These days, small businesses can't survive without the ability to accept credit cards. Here's what you need to know to start processing Visa payments in your business.
MasterCard is one of the payment options you'll need to offer your customers in today's retail business environment. We've got the information you need to start accepting MasterCard at your small business ASAP.
Along with Visa and MasterCard, American Express is one the major credit card payment options for retailers. But what does accepting American Express at your small business really involve?
More and more consumers are doing their shopping online. That means your business needs to start accepting Visa online just to stay ahead of the curve.
Consumers are going online in droves. MasterCard's SecureCode program makes it possible for retailers to accept MasterCard online in a highly secure operating environment.
Some retailers accept American Express and some don't. There are pros and cons to accepting American Express as an online payment option . . . Here's what you need to know.