Pennsylvania Business Startup Guides
Opening a Business in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania
Contemplating starting a business in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania? We walk you through the process of opening a business in Drexel Hill.
Will You Be a Good Entrepreneur?
Most new businesses don't make it, in part because the business owner did not have the tenacity and/or the skills to succeed. So, before you open a business, consider all of the implications of being an entrepreneur.
With so much at stake when you start a business, we strongly recommend you do the following before you proceed:
- Reach out to other entrepreneurs in Drexel Hill. They are usually very willing to share their insights on the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur.
- Peruse Why Small Businesses Fail. This is one of our more popular articles for folks who want to go into business for themselves.
- Get feedback from somebody whom you trust. Others sometimes know you better than you know yourself.
Choosing the Right Company to Start
There are many businesses that you can start. How do you know which type of business is right for you? To help you decide on a business type, we encourage you to read Good Business Ideas.
For step-by-step instructions on starting a variety of business types, visit the Good Businesses to Start section of our site. For example, you might be interested in our Starting a Formal Wear Sales & Rental Business guide or our How to Start an Italian Foods Wholesale & Manufacturers Business guide.
Remember that starting a business in Drexel Hill has some implications. Some businesses will do better in Drexel Hill than others. Only by spending some time analyzing Drexel Hill demographics can you decide if there will be strong demand for your business idea.
Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania Demographic Information
Drexel Hill has an active business community that includes small businesses, mid-sized businesses and large businesses.
To give you a better feel for Drexel Hill demographics for small businesses, we have tabulated the small business sizes, based on number of employees, for business in Drexel Hill.
As a new Drexel Hill entrepreneur, you may also be interested in the table below. It shows how many businesses there are in Drexel Hill for each business category. By looking at this chart, you can get a general sense for how much competition there is in the business niche that you are pursuing.
Naming the Business
A good company name can give a big boost to a new startup. It might seem like an easy thing to do, but there are many things to consider when naming a business.
Companies like Starbucks, Apple, Target, Microsoft and Intuit all have strong company names that are easy to remember and have become well-loved brands. Wouldn't it be nice if your new company name got on a similar track?
To get up to speed on what makes for a good company name, we encourage you to read this useful article: Naming a Company.
On a final note, given that you are starting a business in Drexel Hill, it's imperative that you check now that your company name has not already been claimed by another Pennsylvania business.
Letting the World Know You Exist
To grow your Drexel Hill business, having an excellent marketing plan is fundamental to your business achieving its goals.
We have some excellent resources on this site for entrepreneurs who are working on marketing plans. Bus Bench Advertising Costs discusses marketing strategy and tactical marketing in a way that should get you thinking about how to creatively promote your business. That's just one of the many useful articles we have on Marketing a Small Business.
The Art of Selling
Mastering the art of selling is priority one if you want your new Drexel Hill business to do well.
Not knowing how to sell can result in lost customers and minimal market share. Fortunately, we've got plenty of good advice to help you improve your selling skills.
Good Sales Strategies is worth reading, as it may give you some good ideas on how to sell your products or services. We have many more good articles on selling that you may enjoy reading.
What's Next?
Most new Drexel Hill businesses underestimate the number of challenges they will face.
From this point on, you control your own destiny.
This site is all about helping entrepreneurs in Drexel Hill and elsewhere to achieve real success. We have a wealth of experience in business start-ups, financing, marketing, sales and more...and we've made all of our knowledge available to you.
More Entrepreneurial Resources for Starting a Business in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania
Here are more links that we believe will help you be successful in starting a business in Drexel Hill.
- Resources for Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania Entrepreneurs - Browse a variety of resources we've collected to assist Drexel Hill entrepreneurs.
- Pennsylvania Entrepreneurial Resources - We've gathered state-level entrepreneurial resources to help new entrepreneurs who are based in Pennsylvania.
- Pennsylvania Small Business Development Center - Pennsylvania SBDCs help aspiring entrepreneurs turn ideas into businesses, help small firms expand, and provide the information every business person needs to make critical decisions. There is no charge for their assistance and their free help can make the difference between business success and failure.
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