Selling More
Selling to Unity Churches
Most Unity churches have lean financials and demanding schedules. Don't forget that Unity churches aren't easy sales marks -- here's what you'll need to convert prospects into customers.
There are no one-size-fits-all strategies for selling to Unity churches. The recipe for success is the same as it is in many other industries.
Many Unity churches expect stellar service from the companies they do business with. But service alone isn't enough. For B2B companies that sell to Unity churches, the steady execution of business fundamentals is just as important as your relationships with your customers.
Cost Analysis of Your Selling Tactics
Every part of your sales strategy is worthy of cost analysis. Business owners sometimes ignore cost considerations and instead, choose to invest in sales strategies that fall short of ROI expectations.
For example, even though it might seem logical to increase the size of your sales force to expand your base of Unity church customers, the additional labor overhead may be an inefficient decision from a cost analysis perspective.
Message First, Targets Second
Messaging is an important part of a successful sales strategy. Muddy messaging dilutes the sales cycle and makes it challenging for your customers to discern the value of your products.
Whenever possible, the identification of key messaging should be incorporated into a comprehensive planning process that combines sales and marketing into a coherent strategy.
The next step is to reduce your contact list to the contacts who are most likely to respond to your messaging. Although there is more than one way to capture lead contacts, lead lists can be a useful resource for generating a list of prospects that are receptive to your messaging. Vendors like Experian specialize in providing targeted lists of Unity churches that can be customized to your precise specifications.
Tips for Selling to Unity Churches
Businesses that sell to Unity churches rely on accurate information about their prospects, their products and their competition.
Successful sales strategies crave effective information capturing systems and are adept at using that information as a tool for converting prospects to satisfied customers.
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