Selling to an Industry
Selling to Card Shops
The problem with selling to card shops is that misguided efforts can threaten your entire plan for success. The implementation of these techniques for selling to the card shop market will help you start achieving your sales objectives.
In recent years, card shops have become high value targets in the B2B sector.

Quality products, a good strategy and a lot of hard work are requirements for companies who sell to card shops. Although there are market challenges, new entries to the marketplace can gain traction by applying a handful of proven sales principles.
Be Prepared for Tough Questions
The truth is most card shops aren't interested in middle of the road products. Before they make a purchasing decision, they want to know everything there is to know about your product.
In this industry, differentiation can be the deciding factor in conversions. It's critical for your sales team to be knowledgeable and informed. If you're selling a service to card shops, your sales force must be intimately familiar with the features contained in your service agreements and be prepared to resolve customer concerns during the sales cycle.
How to Generate Solid Leads
There aren't any standard rules for generating solid sales leads. However, leading sellers typically utilize a consistent strategy forlead generation. When possible, businesses that sell to card shops should take steps to automate the lead generation process through the use of technology and networking activities.
One option worth considering is the incorporation of lead lists into your prospecting routines. Lead lists provided by third-party vendors are usually cost-effective compared to the labor requirements for in-house lead generation.
At Gaebler, we advise our business partners to explore Experian Business Services for card shop lead lists. Experian is a reputable firm that is known for providing up-to-date lists that can be filtered according to your precise lead specifications.
Internet Strategies
With card shops going online in record numbers, it's becoming more important for B2B sellers to develop online sales strategies.
A user-friendly website is the centerpiece of all of your other online sales and marketing activities. However, it may also be worthwhile to integrate email advertising, SEO, social networking and other techniques into your sales and marketing mix.
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