Exit Planning Advice By Market
Selling an Auto Appearance and Protection Business
Many business leaders say that now isn't the time to try to sell an auto appearance and protection business. At Gaebler, we think it's a great time to sell an auto appearance and protection business. Here's why . . ..
It's a fact: Successful business sales take time.
However, serious buyers also understand the value of a good auto appearance and protection business. To sell your auto appearance and protection business, you'll need to go the extra mile to prove your company has the potential to deliver steady revenue and a solid ROI.
Signs You're in Over Your Head
Many auto appearance and protection business are tempted to save brokerage fees by selling their businesses on their own. Although there are exceptions, solo sales typically take longer and are less productive than brokered sales. Generally, listed businesses should generate interest within a few months. Lack of buyer enthusiasm or persistence indicates that something is wrong. The remedy is professional brokerage or a consultation with more experienced sellers.
Tips for Seller Financing
Business buyers are in a capital crunch. Financial institutions have tightened up their lending policies, making it difficult for inexperienced and undercapitalized entrepreneurs to buy auto appearance and protection businesses. As a result, buyers expect sellers to finance a significant portion of the sale. Although 100% seller financing isn't recommended, sellers are financing up to 70% of the sale price to close deals.
Realistic Expectations
Emotions run high during the sale of an auto appearance and protection business. Sellers typically overvalue their companies compared to the rest of the marketplace. Although it may be a hard pill to swallow, you need to find a way to introduce objectivity into your sale. A business broker can be a valuable resource in right-sizing your expectations and preparing you for market realities.
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