Exit Planning Advice By Market
Selling an Auto Alignment, Frames, and Axles Service and Repair Business
Don't believe anyone who tells you it's easy to sell an auto alignment, frames, and axles service and repair business. A lot of things need to happen before you can successfully exit your business. We'll tell you how to thrive in the middle of it and get top dollar for your company.
You won't find any magic formulas for selling an auto alignment, frames, and axles service and repair business, especially while the market is struggling to overcome the perceptions created by a down economy.
If you're looking for a reason to wait to put your business on the market, you'll find it. Selling a auto alignment, frames, and axles service and repair business isn't easy, but we believe sellers can achieve their goals in any economic environment.
Negotiation Exit Strategy
Negotiations have a way of dragging on forever. But sooner or later, someone needs to bring negotiations to a close. Unfortunately, that responsibility often falls on the seller. In an auto alignment, frames, and axles service and repair business sale, a stalled negotiation can be an indication that the deal is dead. At this point in the process, an awareness of negotiation parameters really pays off. If the buyer is unwilling to accept your minimum demands, it's time to end negotiations and move on to the next prospect.
Signs You're in Over Your Head
The auto alignment, frames, and axles service and repair business-for-sale marketplace is a mixed bag of brokered sales and solo efforts. Although there are exceptions, solo sales typically take longer and are less productive than brokered sales. As a rule, no business should sit on the market for more than six months without attracting the interest of at least a handful of qualified buyers. Likewise, if buyers seem to express interest but quickly exit when you quote the asking price, it's a sign that your auto alignment, frames, and axles service and repair business is priced out of the market. Hire a broker and conduct a professional appraisal ASAP.
Realistic Expectations
Objectivity is a rare commodity in a business sale. Your estimate of your company's worth is probably skewed by your emotions and your close, personal connection to the business. It is difficult for many owners to accept the cold, hard facts about their company's worth, but objectivity is the name of the game in a successful auto alignment, frames, and axles service and repair business sale. A business broker can be a valuable resource in right-sizing your expectations and preparing you for market realities.
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