Exit Planning Advice By Market

Selling an Athletic Trainers Business

A lot can go wrong during the sale of an athletic trainers business in today's economy. More than ever before, it's important for sellers to know the tactics and techniques that are being used to maximize sales price and achieve desired sale outcomes.

Economic data is scary stuff for small business owners. But quarterly data dumps don't impact athletic trainers business sales nearly as much as sale strategy.

Many business owners don't know that athletic trainers businesses are still a hot commodity, to the extent that sellers have properly prepared them for the marketplace.

Preparing Your Employees

As a business owner, you want to keep you employees informed about your plans; as a seller it's in your best interest to keep your employees in the dark for as long as possible. On the one hand, confidentiality is critical for a successful athletic trainers business sale. However, the longer the selling process drags on, the more likely it is that rumors will begin to circulate throughout your workforce. So at some point you will have to resign yourself to the idea of telling some or all of your employees that you have listed the athletic trainers business on the market. Above all else, it's imperative to encourage your workers to maintain a positive attitude and work ethic. If you're having trouble navigating the employee minefield, consult a business broker for advice.

Post-Sale Details

As your athletic trainers businesssale nears completion, there is a lot of work remaining to be done. There are several details that still need to be addressed. What will the ownership transition look like? Are you prepared to deal with the tax consequences of receiving a significant sum of money in exchange for your business? How will you prepare your employees for your inevitable exit from the business? If there are pending details that still need to ironed out, address them ASAP to ensure a smooth closing and transition.

How to Identify Prospective Buyers

Still looking for prospective buyers for your business? You probably already know several parties with an interest in acquiring your company. Although some athletic trainers business sellers advertise their businesses in general classifieds, the most successful sales are those in which professional brokers seek out likely buyers. Competitors may seem like natural prospects and they are. The downside is that they won't pay top dollar and will probably absorb your company into their own.

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