Exit Planning Advice By Market
Selling an Antique and Classic Auto Dealership
With the economy struggling to rebound, the shadow inventory of antique and classic auto dealerships in the business-for-sale marketplace seems to be rising. That could make this the perfect time to list a successful antique and classic auto dealership
Most business sellers are interested in disposing of their businesses as quickly as possible. But that's not how an antique and classic auto dealership sale works.
Eventually, it will the time will come to exit your business. And when that day arrives, you need to know how to sell your antique and classic auto dealership in a way that achieves positive outcomes for you and the business.
Legal Concerns
In an antique and classic auto dealership sale, the Letter of Intent contains the vital elements of the deal between the buyer and the seller . By the time the deal reaches the final contract, many of its features are set in stone. For sellers, that makes a close review of the Letter of Intent more than a formality - it's a critical juncture on the path to closing.
Preparing Your Employees
As a business owner, you want to keep you employees informed about your plans; as a seller it's in your best interest to keep your employees in the dark for as long as possible. The more people who know that the business is on the market, the riskier the sale becomes. If you keep your employees out of the loop too long, it's inevitable that misinformation will filter throughout your workplace. When that happens, it's best to have a frank conversation with your team rather than allowing rumors to circulate through the organization. Maintain a positive tone in your conversations and answer your employees questions as completely as you can without jeopardizing the sale.
Realistic Expectations
Objectivity is a rare commodity in a business sale. Sellers typically overvalue their companies compared to the rest of the marketplace. In our experience, the most successful sales are ones in which the seller has made an intentional effort to remain objective and set realistic expectations. A business broker can be a valuable resource in right-sizing your expectations and preparing you for market realities.
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