Exit Planning Advice By Market

Selling an Answering Service

The sale of your answering service is the culmination of this stage of your entrepreneurial journey. Although most business owners expect a storybook ending, it will take the careful application of sound selling principles to bring your sale to a successful conclusion.

Like it or not, an answering service sale is a complicated affair, made even more difficult by the emotions associated with leaving a business you've poured your life into. But have you considered how your customers, vendors and employees will handle the sale?

Answering Service

They require careful planning and an intentional strategy that emphasizes your answering service's strengths and meets the needs of the marketplace. As a business seller, you need to go into the process with the mental goal of presenting your business in the best possible light.

Dealing with Your Emotions

Business sellers sometimes struggle to handle the emotions of a sale. You probably have good reasons for selling your answering service now, but that doesn't make the emotions you will experience any easier. It's important to allow yourself time to process your emotions during your exit. At the same time, it's helpful to consult with people who can help limit the influence of your emotions on negotiations and other aspects of the sale process.

Negotiation 101

There's no room for error when you negotiate the sale ofan answering service. More often than not, the person with the most knowledge will come out on top in an answering service negotiation. However, the first step in good negotiating is to develop a sense of what you need to get out of the deal. A thorough understanding of sale price, possible concessions and other bottom line requirements gives you the ability to negotiate with confidence. A negotiating strategy is essential because it not only establishes parameters, but also creates a plan for overcoming buyer objections and impasses.

The Best Person to Sell Your Answering Service

An unassisted business sale is a double-edged sword. Without a doubt, you have the most at stake in the outcome of your sale. That makes you the most passionate advocate for your answering service in the business-for-sale marketplace. However, your close connection to your company can also be a drawback. Business owners are subjective and biased about their company's true worth. Business brokers and other third-party consultants bring objectivity to the sale process and give you much-needed insight about buyers' mindsets.

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