Exit Planning Advice By Market

Selling an Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center

You've heard the naysayers - now isn't the time to sell a alcohol and drug abuse treatment center. But what they don't know is that many entrepreneurs see alcohol and drug abuse treatment centers as a smart business investment.

Business sellers are notorious for second-guessing themselves about the right time to put their companies up for sale.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center

If you're ready to move on, now is the right time to sell your alcohol and drug abuse treatment center.

Handling Unexpected Outcomes

When you made the decision to sell your alcohol and drug abuse treatment center, you had a specific set of outcomes in mind. However, no one told the marketplace about your expectations. The outcome of your sale will be determined by market forces - not by your personal circumstances or desires. Surprises are inevitable, so to minimize the disappointment you will need to prioritize the outcomes you require from the sale. If buyers don't seem to be willing to meet your expectations, consult with your broker to modify your strategy and market approach.

Before You Sell

The upfront time you investment in the sale of your alcohol and drug abuse treatment center will pay big dividends at closing. Perhaps the most important pre-sale consideration is to right-size your expectations to the realities of the market. Once your expectations are in the ballpark, you can move on to making your business presentable to prospective buyers.

Buyer Identification

Buyers of alcohol and drug abuse treatment centers run the gamut. Some are seasoned alcohol and drug abuse treatment center veterans interested in expanding their operation or adding a new location. Others are first-time entrepreneurs with a taste for the small business lifestyle. To cover all your bases, you'll need to conduct a broad buyer search process. Although it's helpful to target promotional tactics to likely buyers, allow for some exposure to the broader market. Sellers should also recognize the value of promoting their sale in trusted business networks, carefully balancing the need for confidentiality with the promotional potential of their contact base.

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