Exit Planning Advice By Market
Selling an Advertising Searchlight Business
No one said selling your business in a depressed economy would be easy. Fortunately, a advertising searchlight business sale isn't as scary as it seems.
Intimidated by a sluggish economy, business buyers are more cautious than ever.
Too often advertising searchlight business owners fail to receive fair market value for their businesses. With the right strategy, your sale doesn't have to end that way.
Turning the Tables: Buyer Concessions
In a tight economy, seller concessions are the name of the game. But that doesn't mean you can't push for buyer concessions to achieve a more favorable outcome in the sale of your advertising searchlight business. Although this scenario frequently plays out around seller financed deals, it's possible to push for a higher sales price or other form of compensation if you agree to mentor the buyer for a specified period of time. You can also choose to exclude certain items like equipment or inventory from the deal if the buyer isn't willing to meet your price expectations. By selling excluded assets on the secondary market, you can compensate for an anemic sale price.
Advantages of Hiring a Broker
Brokers give advertising searchlight business sellers distinct advantages in the marketplace. Right out of the gate, brokers know how to help their clients properly prepare their businesses for a sale. Second, a good business broker is a master at confidentiality locating advertising searchlight business sale prospects and guiding sellers through negotiations. Brokerage isn't cheap. But even though you can spend as much as 10% of the sale price on a good broker, you'll likely achieve decent ROI through an improved final sale price.
Laying the Groundwork
Effective advertising searchlight business preparation focuses on communicating value to prospective buyers. Professional business brokers understand buyers and know how to properly communicate an advertising searchlight business to the marketplace. Specifically, brokers can advise you about the preparation of financial statements and other documents buyers expect to see in a premium advertising searchlight business opportunity.
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