Exit Planning Advice By Market
Selling an Accounting, Auditing and Bookkeeping Services Firm
We hear from a lot of business owners who are timid about listing their accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services firm. Despite the mood of the market, we think there are still opportunities to receive a good price for your accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services firm. Here's what you need to know . . .
Business buyers are a timid lot, even more so now that they are facing an uncertain economic landscape.
Fortunately for sellers, forward-thinking entrepreneurs continue to be attracted to accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services firms that exhibit strong financials and potential for future growth.
Leveraging Industry Connections
Today's accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services firm buyers can be found in a variety of locations. To advertise your sale to the widest possible audience, consider a listing on BizBuySell.com or other top online business-for-sale listing sites. But industry connections can also be a valuable source of leads. Time and time again, successful accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services firm sales emerge from relationships within the industry. The challenge is to leverage industry connections while keeping knowledge of the sale hidden from your competitors. Use good sense in restricting the flow of information within the industry and focusing your efforts toward trusted industry allies.
The Case for Confidentiality
Highly publicized accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services firm sales are risky accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services firmsales. A low-key selling strategy is a low risk activity because you can control who does (and doesn't) know that your business is on the market. Eventually, word will leak out. When that happens, it can damage your standing with customers and vendors. Maintaining confidentiality isn't easy, but without it you won't get top dollar for your business. In a worse case scenario, a profitable accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services firm can be reduced to one that is struggling to survive. Brokers and consultants can mitigate the risk by implementing confidential sale techniques.
Setting the Stage
In addition to improving profitability and market share, planning the sale of your business will require you to think about how you will present your company to buyers. Professional business brokers understand buyers and know how to properly communicate an accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services firm to the marketplace. Specifically, brokers can advise you about the preparation of financial statements and other documents buyers expect to see in a premium accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services firm opportunity.
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