Niche Exit Planning Tactics
Selling a Window Shades Retail and Custom Business
We hear it all the time: 'This economy is a hostile environment for a business sale.' However, window shades retail and custom businesses haven't heard the news and are reporting steady action on the business-for-sale market.
Despite your best intentions, great business sales don't happen overnight.
The business-for-sale market is extremely dynamic. Knowledgeable entrepreneurs understand that market timing isn't nearly as important as other factors in a window shades retail and custom business sale. You just need to know your buyers and structure the deal accordingly.
Selling a Window Shades Retail & Custom Business to an Employee
There are both benefits and drawbacks to selling a window shades retail and custom business to an employee. A faithful employee may have the motivation and ability to continue to operate the business. Since the worker already knows the ins and outs of the business, due diligence should be a breeze, not to mention the fact that you won't have to wait months or years for the right buyer to emerge on the open marketplace. But in many cases, employees expect to get a deal from their employer based on their years of service to the company. Most of the time, employees also expect owners to finance a large portion of the sale. So if you aren't willing to finance the sale or need to get top dollar for your window shades retail and custom business, a sale to an employee is probably not a possibility.
Signs You're in Over Your Head
Many window shades retail and custom business are tempted to save brokerage fees by selling their businesses on their own. But for every successful unassisted sale, several other window shades retail and custom businesses sell below market value or languish on the market for years without attracting the interest of qualified buyers. As a rule, no business should sit on the market for more than six months without attracting the interest of at least a handful of qualified buyers. Lack of buyer enthusiasm or persistence indicates that something is wrong. The remedy is professional brokerage or a consultation with more experienced sellers.
Advertising Your Sale
The best window shades retail and custom business sales incorporate comprehensive advertising plans. However, confidentiality and other concerns can present challenges, even for sales professionals. If sale information leaks out, competitors can use it to steal customers and circulate negative messages about your business throughout the industry. There are multiple ways to promote a window shades retail and custom business sale, many of which require the assistance of a professional business broker.
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