Niche Exit Planning Tactics
Selling a Wheelchair Retail Business
Many business leaders say that now isn't the time to try to sell a wheelchair retail business. At Gaebler, we think it's a great time to sell a wheelchair retail business. Here's why . . ..
Business buyers are a timid lot, even more so now that they are facing an uncertain economic landscape.
Undaunted by economic conditions, many wheelchair retail business sellers are achieving their sale goals through deliberate sale strategies.
Dealing with Buyers
Buyers can present challenges, especially during the due diligence stage. The questions wheelchair retail business ask during due diligence are designed to alleviate their concerns about the business and should be promptly addressed by the seller. Avoid answering buyer concerns with vague generalities. Instead, be as specific as possible, even if it means doing additional research before offering a response. Refer to the Letter of Intent to determine how to wrap up due diligence and move the buyer on to closing.
Selecting a Broker
Good business brokers inevitably produce better business sales. In the wheelchair retail business industry, experience is a must-have characteristic for qualified brokerage. The best brokers should also come with a list of references, a demonstrable track record and a proven plan for selling wheelchair retail businesses.
Preparing Family Members
Many sellers embarked on their wheelchair retail business sale without adequately considering the impact it will have on their families. Whether you realize it or not, your wheelchair retail business has been an important part of your family life. As a seller, you need to be sensitive to your family's feelings about the sale and make an effort to keep them informed about the process. Subsequently, selling a wheelchair retail business has to include ample communication and shared decision-making.
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