Niche Exit Planning Tactics
Selling a Water Gardens, Fountains, and Ponds Business
Few entrepreneurs relish the idea of selling a business in a struggling economy. Yet water gardens, fountains, and ponds businesses continue to be sold at a brisk pace, outperforming the sales of many other types of businesses.
You need to get a good price for your water gardens, fountains, and ponds business. To get there, you'll need to set realistic expectations and follow a deliberate selling strategy.
Eventually, it will the time will come to exit your business. When that happens, your future plans will be dependent on your ability to receive the highest possible sale price for your water gardens, fountains, and ponds business.
Sale Documents
In a water gardens, fountains, and ponds business sale, the Letter of Intent contains the vital elements of the deal between the buyer and the seller . If you are seeking buyer concessions, the time to address them is before the Letter of Intent is drafted. For sellers, that makes a close review of the Letter of Intent more than a formality - it's a critical juncture on the path to closing.
Advertising Your Sale
Successful water gardens, fountains, and ponds business sales incorporate comprehensive advertising plans. However, confidentiality and other concerns can present challenges, even for sales professionals. A highly publicized sale creates vulnerabilities that can be exploited by your competitors. Business brokers are skilled at publicizing water gardens, fountains, and ponds business sales while maintaining the confidentiality that is critical to your business.
Why Confidentiality Matters
Confidentiality determines risk in the business-for-sale marketplace. If you are rigorous about maintaining a confidential sale, there is little risk in putting your water gardens, fountains, and ponds business on the market. Eventually, word will leak out. When that happens, it can damage your standing with customers and vendors. Although it can be difficult, it's important to strike a balance between confidentiality and sale promotion. If confidentiality is important to you (and it should be), your best bet is to consult with a professional business broker about maintaining a confidential water gardens, fountains, and ponds business sale.
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