Sell a Business for the Best Price
Selling a Prestressed Concrete Business
A lot can go wrong during the sale of a prestressed concrete business in today's economy. We'll tell you how to keep your sale and your future plans on track.
According to the experts, there is currently a large volume of shadow inventory in the prestressed concrete business market -- businesses that are waiting to be listed until the economy recovers.
However, serious buyers also understand the value of a good prestressed concrete business. So for prestressed concrete business sellers, today's market is all about convincing buyers that the numbers make their companies worth the asking price.
Moving On
The decision to sell your prestressed concrete business can't be made without adequate consideration of what will happen after the sale. If you aren't sure what's next, you could be in trouble because future plans and selling strategy are inextricably connected. In today's market, many buyers expect seller financing - a concession that might not be a possibility for sellers whose next step requires the entire proceeds at the time of the sale.
Tips for Seller Financing
Business buyers are in a capital crunch. Banks and other lending institutions aren't eager to lend to unproven and undercapitalized prestressed concrete business buyers regardless of the business's potential. Rather than abandon their plans entirely, many buyers are pursuing finance concessions from sellers. Although 100% seller financing isn't recommended, sellers are financing up to 70% of the sale price to close deals.
Should I Hire a Business Broker?
Anyone who has ever sold a prestressed concrete business has eventually needed to decide whether to use a business broker or go it alone. Although brokerage fees can be substantial, the right broker can reduce the amount of time your prestressed concrete business sits on the market. If you're on the fence, do your research before you make a final decision. and other websites offer detailed information about brokers and the process of performing a brokered prestressed concrete business sale.
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