Sell a Business for the Best Price
Selling a Portrait and Photographic Enlargement Business
A good business is about more than dollars and sense. To make your portrait and photographic enlargement business what it is today, you've had to fully invest yourself in its success. To see your ownership role through to completion, you will need to exhibit similar diligence in selling your company.
Waiting for better economic times to sell your company? That's a common anthem in the small business community.
If your exit strategy involves selling a portrait and photographic enlargement business now, sellers need to make a strong case for buyers to purchase at or near the asking price.
Finding Prospects
Many sellers don't realize how many prospective buyers there are for their businesses. We frequently see qualified buyers emerge from the seller's network of business and personal acquaintances. In other cases, sellers take a proactive approach to finding likely buyers and contacting them directly. Competitors may seem like natural prospects and they are. The downside is that they won't pay top dollar and will probably absorb your company into their own.
Finding Portrait & Photographic Enlargement Business Buyers
It's difficult to predict where the buyer of your portrait and photographic enlargement business will come from. Avoid pigeon-holing your search to a single buyer category. Although it's helpful to target promotional tactics to likely buyers, allow for some exposure to the broader market. networking may also prove to be a valuable resource for identifying prospective buyers, but only to the extent that it can be done discreetly.
Adjusting Expectations
Every business seller dreams of a fast sale and a fat payday. However, no one told the marketplace about your expectations. The outcome of your sale will be determined by market forces - not by your personal circumstances or desires. Despite your best efforts, you need to prepare yourself for the possibility of receiving less than you expected from the sale of your portrait and photographic enlargement business. If buyers don't seem to be willing to meet your expectations, consult with your broker to modify your strategy and market approach.
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