Smart Exit Planning Strategies for Niche Markets
Selling a Grocery Equipment and Supplies Business
At first glance, an unstable economy would seem to be an unfriendly atmosphere for a grocery equipment and supplies business sale. But in reality, now may be the perfect time to sell a grocery equipment and supplies business.
Dire economic forecasts have forced many grocery equipment and supplies business sellers into hibernation. Instead of listing their companies now, they're hanging back until they see signs of an economic recovery.
There is no simple way to sell a business. But the most prepared grocery equipment and supplies business sellers are achieving fair market value and more for their companies through persistence and the application of sound selling techniques.
Average Preparation Time
Preparing a grocery equipment and supplies business sale takes time. Since buyers prefer to see evidence of future cash flow, you'll want to to strategically lock in cash flows and increase profits before you list the business. Next, the business will need to be documented in professional financial statements and manuals that facilitate the ownership transition. Since all of this takes time and effort, a grocery equipment and supplies business can rarely be ready for the marketplace in less than six months. If you can afford to wait, we recommend investing a few years in improving your business's financial position before you put it on the market.
Selecting a Broker
Good business brokers inevitably produce better business sales. No two grocery equipment and supplies business sales are alike. That means you'll want to look for a broker who has been around the block and possesses substantial experience selling businesses in the industry. The chemistry you have with your broker is a consideration. If you don't connect with a specific broker, move on to someone else - even if the first broker looks great on paper.
Negotiation Exit Strategy
The negotiation stage of a grocery equipment and supplies business can seem never-ending. Yet eventually many negotiations reach a stage where further discussion is pointless. It's not unusual for a grocery equipment and supplies business sale negotiation to reach an impasse over price or other concessions. Since it can be difficult to tell whether the buyer is serious or playing games, it's important to know the lower boundaries of your negotiation strategy and be willing to walk away from the negotiation table, if necessary.
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