Niche Exit Planning Strategies

Selling a Duct Work Business

Many business leaders say that now isn't the time to try to sell a duct work business. At Gaebler, we think it's a great time to sell a duct work business. Here's why . . ..

Most entrepreneurs have the skills and stamina to endure and prosper during the sale ofa duct work business.

Success is a factor of preparation, execution and a keen eye for the market. As a business seller, you need to go into the process with the mental goal of presenting your business in the best possible light.

How Much Does It Cost to Sell a duct work business?

In a duct work business sale, pricing is based on a number of factors, including the costs incurred during the sale. Good brokerage takes a 10% success fee off the top of the final sale price. Depending on your circumstances, you may also incur substantial expenses in hiring legal, appraisal and accounting professionals. Likewise, you'll need to consider how much it will cost to promote the sale as well as the lost time it will take for you and your team to navigate the sale process.

Why Confidentiality Matters

Highly publicized duct work business sales are risky duct work businesssales. If you are rigorous about maintaining a confidential sale, there is little risk in putting your duct work business on the market. Eventually, word will leak out. When that happens, it can damage your standing with customers and vendors. Although it can be difficult, it's important to strike a balance between confidentiality and sale promotion. We recommend consulting a business broker to learn how you can simultaneously identify prospective buyers and maintain a confidential sale environment.

Moving On

The decision to sell your duct work business can't be made without adequate consideration of what will happen after the sale. many sellers find themselves ill-equipped to handle life after their business and fail to understand that their future plans can influence the sale process. We frequently encounter business sellers who haven't thought enough about their futures to know whether certain concessions (e.g seller financing) are a real possibility. As a result, they make bad decisions during the sale and experience less-than-optimal outcomes.

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