Business Exits By Industry
Selling a Cord Trimmings Business
A good business is about more than dollars and sense. To make your cord trimmings business what it is today, you've had to fully invest yourself in its success. But the hard work isn't done yet. Before you can make a graceful exit, you will have to invest yourself in your business sale.
The economy isn't the only thing that is uncertain these days. So are cord trimmings business buyers, many of whom are waiting to pull the trigger on their next acquisition.
Although it takes hard work and dedication, if it's time to exit your cord trimmings business there is a good chance you can sell it for a good price -- even in today's market.
How to Choose a Business Broker
Good business brokers inevitably produce better business sales. In the cord trimmings business industry, experience is a must-have characteristic for qualified brokerage. The best brokers should also come with a list of references, a demonstrable track record and a proven plan for selling cord trimmings businesses.
Timing the Market
Now may be the best time to sell a cord trimmings business. With interest rates at all-time lows, it's easy to see why cord trimmings businesses are an appealing investment opportunity for savvy investors. As the interest rates rise, it will be more difficult for buyers to make the numbers work in their favor. At Gaebler, we recognize the value of timing the sale of your cord trimmings business. But we think it's more important to properly position your business for current market conditions -- whatever they may be.
Sweetening the Deal
Today's cord trimmings business buyers expect sellers to offer concessions to persuade them to close the deal. Concessions can consist of non-cash as well as cash incentives. It's not unusual for sellers to offer non-cash incentives to help inexperienced entrepreneurs get off to a successful start. A limited amount of training and mentoring may seem inconsequential to you, but to a young cord trimmings business owner, they can be critical launching points for their ownership journey.
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