Business Exits By Industry
Selling a Concrete Pipe Business
Business-for-sale markets are susceptible to a variety of influences. As you know, the concrete pipe business industry has seen more than its share of fluctuations in business values. Many sellers have exited their companies under less-than-ideal circumstances. Yet it's still possible to achieve personal and professional goals when selling a concrete pipe business whem market conditions threaten a successful business sale.
The economy isn't the only thing that is uncertain these days. So are concrete pipe business buyers, many of whom are waiting to pull the trigger on their next acquisition.
Despite the overall mood of the marketplace, concrete pipe businesses are still an attractive investment, especially when sellers have invested time and energy in preparing their companies for a sale.
Average Preparation Time
It's critical to properly plan for the sale ofa concrete pipe business. Since buyers prefer to see evidence of future cash flow, you'll want to to strategically lock in cash flows and increase profits before you list the business. Next, the business will need to be documented in professional financial statements and manuals that facilitate the ownership transition. Since all of this takes time and effort, a concrete pipe business can rarely be ready for the marketplace in less than six months. A more likely scenario is that it will take more than a year to create the conditions necessary to receive the maximum sale price.
Why Confidentiality Matters
Highly publicized concrete pipe business sales are risky concrete pipe businesssales. A low-key selling strategy is a low risk activity because you can control who does (and doesn't) know that your business is on the market. Eventually, word will leak out. When that happens, it can damage your standing with customers and vendors. Successful sales walk a fine line between total confidentiality and aggressive promotion. Brokers and consultants can mitigate the risk by implementing confidential sale techniques.
Handling Unexpected Outcomes
Every business seller dreams of a fast sale and a fat payday. However, no one told the marketplace about your expectations. The outcome of your sale will be determined by market forces - not by your personal circumstances or desires. Despite your best efforts, you need to prepare yourself for the possibility of receiving less than you expected from the sale of your concrete pipe business. If price is the most important outcome, you may need to agree to seller financing or other concessions. If a fast sale is the highest priority, you may need to lower the asking price to quickly capture the attention of the marketplace.
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