Business Exits By Industry
Selling a Cell Phone Dealers Business
The decision to sell your cell phone dealers business isn't something that should be taken lightly, especially these days. If a business exit is on the horizon, you'll want to check out our suggestions for staying ahead of the market.
Dire economic forecasts have forced many cell phone dealers business sellers into hibernation. Instead of listing their companies now, they're hanging back until they see signs of an economic recovery.
Qualified buyers are constantly looking for attractive cell phone dealers businesses. Like always, unprofitable and poorly positioned businesses struggle to find buyers while sellers who have invested time and effort to prepare their sale are being rewarded in the marketplace.
Family Issues
Many sellers embarked on their cell phone dealers business sale without adequately considering the impact it will have on their families. Unfortunately, families often experience turmoil during a sale even when the primary owner is convinced it's the right decision. The sale of the business will likely result in new family dynamics. Subsequently, selling a cell phone dealers business often begins with a family conversation and a mutual decision to move on the next stage of life.
Turning the Tables: Buyer Concessions
In a tight economy, seller concessions are the name of the game. But that doesn't mean you can't push for buyer concessions to achieve a more favorable outcome in the sale of your cell phone dealers business. Although this scenario frequently plays out around seller financed deals, it's possible to push for a higher sales price or other form of compensation if you agree to mentor the buyer for a specified period of time. You can also choose to exclude certain items like equipment or inventory from the deal if the buyer isn't willing to meet your price expectations. By selling excluded assets on the secondary market, you can compensate for an anemic sale price.
The Best Person to Sell Your Cell Phone Dealers Business
There are benefits and drawbacks to handling the sale of your cell phone dealers business on your own. On the one hand, no one knows your business better than you do. When it comes to earnings potential, asset condition, and other considerations, you are the world's leading expert on your company. However, your close connection to your company can also be a drawback. You see your company's potential. But buyers don't pay for potential - they pay for current market value. Business brokers and other third-party consultants bring objectivity to the sale process and give you much-needed insight about buyers' mindsets.
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