Tech Investors Database
Private Equity Firms Investing in Tech Companies
Many private equity firms are actively involved in making technology-centered investments. We've identified over 1,000 PE firms that have invested in at least one technology company, with many making multiple investments in tech companies.
We've been tracking PE firms investments in tech companies for over ten years. New private equity firms are added regularly, whenever new tech deals are recorded in our tech deals database.

PE Firm Tech Investors Database - Sorted Alphabetically
- PE Firms: to Bear Creek Capital
- PE Firms: > Bear Creek Capital to Charter Oak Equity
- PE Firms: > Charter Oak Equity to Eastern Link Capital
- PE Firms: > Eastern Link Capital to Green Monday Ventures
- PE Firms: > Green Monday Ventures to Jolt Capital
- PE Firms: > Jolt Capital to Michigan Capital Advisors
- PE Firms: > Michigan Capital Advisors to Pantheon
- PE Firms: > Pantheon to Riverside Partners
- PE Firms: > Riverside Partners to Sumeru Equity Partners
- PE Firms: > Sumeru Equity Partners to Valiant Peregrine Fund
- PE Firms: > Valiant Peregrine Fund
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