Small Business Technology News
What Apple's ICloud Could Mean For Small Business
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 8/10/2011
Small businesses that use Apple computers will find value in a new offering from Apple.
A new Apple item, iCloud, couple be good news for small businesses that run on Macs, according to a post on PCWorld by Ilie Mitaru.

The iCloud is a revamped version of Apple's existing mail, contacts and calendar and integrates document sharing features of The service, which gives 5GB of space, is freer, with upgrade packages available for up to 55GB total per year. Mitaru said while the majority of the focus has been on what this program can do for individuals, it can be used and used well for small businesses.
Mitaru said the system could be used to increase organization and efficiency, cut down on risk by backing up files and make working from anywhere easier. Other cloud applications, made by Google, Dropbox and, could be good options for small businesses as well, Mitaru said.
ConstructAQuote's blog said iCloud will especially be useful to professionals who are out of the office a lot and need access to documents, images and files. The blog quotes Stephen Wunker of New Markets Advisors, who said iCloud could open up a new business model, as it links to content around time of day, location and inventory.
"Apple's talent in leading people to engage with content longer than they do with rivals' devices can create serious new streams of profit for the company," Wunker said.
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