Small Business Technology News
Website Critical To The Success Of Business
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 8/9/2011
Small business website quality can determine whether a business fails or is successful. Businesses that don't have a website, or that have a low-quality website, may be in for a rude awakening.
In what may not come as shocking news for small business, a blog post on USA Today by the Small Business Association said that an effective website is critical to a small business, giving credibility, driving sales and allowing customers to access a company whenever they need to.

"An expensive web developer or search engine firm isn't always necessary to make an engaging site," the post said. "There are many cheap and free online services that provide easy-to-use templates. By taking a few hours to learn these tools, you can save the costs of hiring outside help."
Brandon Yanofsky of BlistMarketing's website, on online relationship marketing company specializing in small business website design and marketing, said businesses need to have a website, as people are looking for the product and service online.
"People are now using search engines to find products and services," Yanofsky said. "The only way a small business can appear in the search engine results is if they have a website."
Yanofsky said websites are the best way to spend a marketing budget, as website will yield more results for less money.
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