Small Business Technology News
U.S. Air Force Briefs Small Business Owners On Desired Technological Advances
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 3/31/2010
The Air Force is looking to small businesses to advance its technological capabilities.
Ohio's Dayton Daily News reports that the United States Air Force is in need of IT and other technologies - and that could be beneficial news for small business owners.

Air Force officials addressed an audience of business executives at the DaytonDefense organization's annual Dayton IT Wing conference this week. The two-day conference also offered a forum for networking among large and small companies.
Officials spoke about the Air Force's technology needs for the near future.
Richard Lombardi, director of the Electronic Systems Center at Hanscom Air Force Base in Massachusetts, told the paper that U.S. and coalition forces are looking for technology to help detect and counter suicide bombers, as well as sensors to track ground targets.
He said that during the government's fiscal 2009 spending year, the electronic systems unit awarded $781.7 million in contracts to small businesses.
Colonel Gregory Gutterman told the Daily News that annual briefings in Dayton and other markets help businesses shape their production schedules and budgets, allowing the Air Force to receive more relevant contract proposals.
The U.S. Department of Defense has a designated Office of Small Business Programs. According to the Office's website, its vision is "an enabling environment in which the Department recognizes the value of and engages small businesses as critical suppliers of required warfighting capabilities."
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