Small Business Technology News
Two Out Of Three Small Businesses Are Dependent On Mobile Technology For Competitive Advantages
Written by Tim Morral
Published: 10/11/2012
Mobility technology takes its place as an essential resource in small and medium-sized companies.
Smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices are equipping small businesses and road warriors with the tools they need to compete effectively in today's markets, according to a recent study by tech solution provider CDW.

In a survey of more than 750 device users and IT professionals, 6 out of 10 respondents indicated that their companies' ability to compete would be adversely affected if they didn't have access to mobile technologies. Additionally, nearly all device users (94 percent) reported that mobile technology makes them more efficient in the workplace.
The downside of the mobile workplace is that according to IT managers, 89 percent of employees use their personal mobile devices for work purposes -- even though only half (51%) of IT managers have Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) strategies and policies in place.
"CDW's report says that small business users consider productivity and business apps on mobile devices to be game changers that make them more efficient and competitive," said Jill Billhorn, CDW vice president, small business. "That expanding demand, though, also means growing need for solutions to manage and secure mobile devices, as only a fifth of small business IT managers say their company has deployed or even plans to deploy such a solution."
The CDW study also showed that mobile technology is transforming the way many businesses relate to their customers. Approximately 60 percent of mobile users report that their devices have increased their availability to customers in addition to significantly increasing the level of communication between field and office personnel.
The process of technology planning for small businesses is often the perfect time to address mobile technology needs and requirements across the organization. Rather than introducing BYOD and company-owned devices piecemeal, it's more beneficial to launch mobile campaigns as part of a company-wide mobility strategy.
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